Dating Yourself: Embracing Self Love with Confidence and Style

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Today, let’s delve into the significance of the little things in life. As I made the decision to re-enter the corporate world, as I had been basically a stay at home mom for the last decade. I knew I didn’t want to be the shy girl in my early 20s who struggled with confidence, and independence. Instead, I aimed to embody a confident, fierce, and loving woman. 

To help me on this journey, I turned to various sources of inspiration. Including social media, Pinterest, Google, Blogs, Podcasts, Audio Books, Instagram, TikTok. It amazed me how drastically shifting my mindset to just embracing the life around me. Knowledge is power, so I tell my children almost weekly if not more frequently.

THis has caused me to find out that there are highs and lows to every day. SOme days we just are feeling blah, and don’t want to do anything. If you are neurodivergent like I am with some trauma kinks. You see the extreme highs and lows a lot more than you would realize. 

This made me think long and hard about my day to day getting ready and getting out the door. I wanted to look put together, and seem like I had my poop together, by just implementing a few things. 

Now, we are going to make a list and do things a bit differently. We are going to essentially make two lists, like it’s the first date. What we plan

  • Hair Styling
  • Skin Care
  • Make Up
  • Outfit
  • Jewelry
  • Shoes
  • Perfume – or any other fragrance 
  • COnversation Topics
  • Mindset 
  • Arrival Times

Here’s the thing, we can do this for everyday life too right? This is what I’m talking about, we make a list to do the things we find important. Our looks and impression for a date matter, and shows that you care for yourself. WIth that being said. There’s different ways you can go by this list.

Now with this list, we want to have the up beat, ready to work modes. This will be our
“Goal” look, and this can be for a position you want, or just the vibe/aesthetic you wish to give off. Now there’s the down lows, and minimal days where your child/ren is not doing what it needing to be done, they’re fighting you to the tooth and comb, barely have time for coffee before you have to run out the door. Yes this happens, yes we need to plan for this too. If not, this could cause a crazy minimal rush and cause emotions to race way higher than anyone would like to have happen. Causing unneeded drama, anxiety, pain. Ect

This is why I choose basic earrings, that I can sleep in, and go to the gym in and roll out of bed and at least look like I’m somewhat put together even though I may not be. Why? Because life is about making it simple for the days that we struggle with, and if we are feeling spunky or extra in our lives we can change them out to match the outfit we are choosing. 

Now I live in a colder state, where we can have fluctuating weather on the daily. So sometimes, especially this time of year it can be difficult to plan your outfits. Now regarding your outfits let’s make this also simple too. Choose simple colors of shoes that will match anything you may own. Brown, Black, Grey are my go to’s for a simple shoe. If you prefer flats, or anything extra, you can do this as well. I prefer these, because my office is casual but modest. So this brings in a casual but nice vibe. 

On a bit of a side note, my team lead made a comment about how he thought that I had a pair of bougie slippers that were elevated that I wore throughout my home. I about died laughing because this is the image I gave him, and I laughed and said this is great. Because I’m a barefoot kind of girl everywhere. Personally I love being outside walking barefoot to feel the sand, dirt and ground between my feet. Probably why I also love grounding, and how the transfer of energy can just help me out. Okay now back to the not so ranting.

So then we are going back to the list of things we do for our date, and we set our minimin style. Why? Because like I said life can get out the door and cause things to be super crazy. So at my “I feel like poop” days, because I feel like I’ve done this a lot lately. I have my basic look for makeup, eyebrows, basic eyeshadow, mascara and if I am okay with my eyes, eyeliner. Jeans and just an ehh pair of basic shoes. 

Now if you’re not big on styling or you don’t know where to start or begin, when I started building my wardrobe I used StichFix. It helped me find things without the stress of going out and finding all the things. Now if you are particular about the fabrics you use, these are not always natural fibers. So just as a warning so those who are sensitive to certain fabrics or have a requirement for quality materials. 

All this you’re probably going to think seems crazy right now, or maybe not. However, I will say this much. By having a minimum dress goal, or how I want to appear when I go out. It has dramatically changed how I feel. IT makes me feel confident and it makes my life way easier. 

Now going on how you select your wardrobe. There are those of us who love, love to shop and there are those of us who do not. I’m not picking a budget, or where you shop because this is all a preference on things and you know your budget. You could shop at high end designer stores, go shop at Walmart or Target, and even thrifting and garage sales. It’s not my place to tell you where to shop, how to shop or what screams this is something I should own. All I am here is to tell you, to embrace who you are. So that inner child will love you for who you have grown up to be. 

Embracing these little things can be a start to a wonderful life. Wardrobe building. Feeling confident and truly romanticizing, keeping things simple or just loving how life can truly be once you have determined your list of what you want to have daily. 

Anyways, this is tata for now. See you all next week.

Link to Image is below the image for each item