Romancing Nature: Creating Your Home with Lighting 

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While it may seem simple to just bring the outside inside, but honestly it’s an art to placing natural elements in our homes. Have you ever heard of grounding? A simple recap of grounding is it’s something that can recharge our negative energy creating a calming environment. 

Looking into it a bit further reading books like Nature Inside, Biophilia: You + Nature + Home. During the few times I was reading/researching different materials and natural elements. Grounding came into the conversation. 

It was interesting how it brought me back to my teen years. Where I would take my portable cd player and listen to whatever CD I was fixated on during the time (ADHD problems). Anyways, being outside just brought a sense of calm and the times I was barefoot, feeling the ground between my toes. It was my escape from reality. The way I could calm down from that emotional rollercoaster of being a teen can truly be. 

Anyways back to where I am now. Let’s focus, Torie. (Yeah that can be a bit of a problem at times for this one).

As a mom, I realize my biggest opportunity is focusing more on the beauty of the world. While not focusing on the negative first or what is wrong with whatever is in front of me. I turned back to the peaceful moments of my life. It always was surrounding myself with nature. Embracing the beautiful moments, and how to incorporate those moments into my life now.

With that I want to bring in things into my home that are natural and calming. I truly believe, nature is the best, because of the books Reading Biophilia: You + Nature + Home. I was able to learn how far back the natural elements really help shape how we are as humans, even dating back to prehistoric time. Who would have thought, it’s so deep engrained into our lives that it goes back to the evolution of humans.

With that being a bit of how I got to where I am now, writing this to express more things in the world. The biggest thing that sticks out to me as I could is lighting. Equally you might think how does lighting impact how we are on a daily bases. Well it impacts a lot of things, productivity, when we wake, why certain lights bother us vs the ones that make us feel loved and cozy.

I”ll be the first to admit, my favorite lighting is warm lighting. Why? For one thing, there’s just something romantic about it. I love getting ready for the day, make up and showering by a lamp. The over head light above my vanity is something that truly drives me bonkers. 

Did you know there’s this may types of lighting? I pulled this information from Brennan Electric. Although most people would assume that lighting is just lighting. It’s not. Below is a list of different types of lights that you may have come across in your life.

  • Incandescent
  • Fluorscent
  • Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Bulbs
  • Compact Fluorescent (CFL) Bulbs
  • Halogen
  • Sodium Vapor Lamps
  • Mercury Vapor Lamps
  • Smart Lightbulbs
  • Spotlight Lightbulbs
  • Reflector Lightbulbs

I honestly didnn’t know there were so many different ones and if you go to the link above you can learn more about what the pros and cons are of each one. I’m not going to get into all of them because, well they’re not all the point of this post.

The ones I prefer, are warm and inviting. Something that you could almost copy (look for a different word). To mimic the early morning sunrise and the sunset in the evening. What photographers would call golden hour, because everyone and everything just has this glow to them naturally. 

It’s the glow that you think of when you see a romantic movie, or go on a date with someone you love and charish.